If the letters are NN, this indicates that the year of manufacture is 1944. For example, if the next letter is C, this means that the year the gun was manufactured is 1934. The year of manufacture is represented by codes. These letters can sometimes repeat, so you need to dig a bit deeper to know exactly which year the firearm was manufactured. The following letter or letters represent the year of manufacture. So X, which is the last letter, represents December. Therefore, B represents January, L is February, A is March, and so forth. These letters are the month codes, and each letter corresponds to a month on the calendar. The first letter you’ll see will be one of these: B, L, A, C, K, P, O, W, D, E, R, X. To decrypt the date of manufacture for a Remington model, check to see what letters and numbers are on the barrel. They appear as numbers and letters, each of which represents the year, month, and date of manufacture. The Remington 742 manufacturer dates are usually located on both the right and left sides of the firearm’s barrel. Decrypting the 742 Manufacture Date via pepper_the_prepper Either because they were manufactured illegally to be sold for personal use.
However, not all guns have a serial number, and therefore, it may be hard to determine the date they were made. Ideally, the numbers can help you decipher the date, month, and year the gun was manufactured.
The number is located on the barrel or frame of the firearm, and it may include a series of numbers or a series of numbers and letters. Most firearms that were manufactured after 1968 contain a serial number.